I have the book and find it helpful and informative. I think that a large book needs to be written, with 30 to 60 authors, addressing the topic of virology, epidemiology, epidemics, COVID-19, Anti-virals to set the science straight about these topics. If given time, I could think of 30 to 40 topics to be addressed and perhaps 100 to 150 misconceptions that would need correcting. A source of funding for such a book would be required and I have not idea where to start for that. I can think of about 25 people who could co-write a chapter, including our illustrious host and guest for this present ground truth article. I am sure that those 25 could find another 25 or so qualified scientists to co-author, including our mutual friend Doritt Reiss. Such a book would educate the public about COVID-19, virology, etc. It would address "every" anti-vax misconception, misinformation. But..... who would fund it?

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I agree that such a scientific book would be useful! My suggestion would be to assemble a distinguished group of experts at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory for a meeting, which would then serve as a basis for a book that would be useful to physicians and scientists. Funding could come from NIH and private sources.

We also need something for the general public to set the record straight but also to combat a strong anti science sentiment underlying vaccines. One unorthodox idea would be to recruit Jon Stewart in a movie to treat this theme with humor. Certainly a debate between Dr. Peter Hotez and an anti vax physician has a very small chance of swaying public opinion.

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This is a great idea. The government should fund it, or, if not, a private philanthropist like Bloomberg or Bill Gates. Surely there has got to be someone out there with deep pockets that would take this on. Fingers crossed.

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This is a terrific interview! Thank you, Dr. Topol, for introducing us to yet another hero in medicine. And thank YOU, Dr. Howard, for stepping up to the plate on this. For one, as a senior whose hair stood on end at the idea of being locked in my home in isolation for months (BTW, in a place where Door Dash did no home deliveries), I am beyond grateful to you and all who did for pushing back on that and for all your hard and smart work.

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A very comprehensive tour of the anti-vaxx and anti-science parts of society's reaction to the pandemic. Misinformation or partial information being a characteristic of that side. I am a free speech advocate and believe everyone has a right to express an opinion even when it is demonstrably wrong. But that right ends at the point where the expression actually endangers life. A doctor who looks at an imaging film showing unmistakeably a large pancreatic tumor doesn't have the right to tell me there's nothing there. A mechanic who repaired a bolt holding my car's steering wheel doesn't have the right to tell me it's now safe to drive. Those doctors who participate(d) in the anti-vaxx movement, however well-intentloned or misinformed they may have been are/were/will have figurative blood on their hands. Yet many are otherwise good people. It's a mystery

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Couldn’t agree with you more. So well articulated. Thanks!

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Wonderful dialog between Eric and Dr. Jonathan Howard M.D., whose book I had the pleasure to read from top to bottom, and with great interest, around last May or so. Another winning substack by Dr. Topol with his remarkable contributions into all things science and the pandemic!

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Much appreciated!

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Thanks for a thought-provoking interview and I'll order the book today. For what it's worth, I want to weigh in on misinformation: censorship is not the answer, discussion is. There is widespread illiteracy (topics for example, Dr. Young mentions) and explaining them is an opportunity to begin to reverse it. That the material is fascinating and hugely impactful is an added benefit. Both the interviewer and interviewee are good at this; hopefully we can recruit more.

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Thank you!

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Hi Sue in CO. Certainly there's a lack of scientific literacy, but do note that there are forces in our society who intentionally twisting truth. They want to disrupt our common understanding to take power. One can go back the to writings of Roger Ailes to see some of the roots of problem. Both Francis Collins and Fauci have alluded to the problem of disinformation. Collins stated he regretted that NIH hadn't dealt with the issue during his tenure and Fauci said the Feds didn't have the millions of dollars/resources to combat disinformation. (Another example: Koch Industries put millions of dollars into their anti-max campaign.)

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Hi Mona, you are right - there are those who will peddle misinformation. What's tricky is who gets to decide what is or is not misinformation. Misinformation should be countered with more speech, not less.

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it's not hard to counter misinformation is we stay vigilant, read peer-reviewed journal articles, understand scientific process, cross-check using reliable sources, hold mainstream media to account, understand where biases are coming from.. it's not tricky if we're ethical

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I appreciate what Dr. Howard has to say here, but I think it's unfortunate that he said, "Probably everyone here has been infected by Covid at least one time..." What is the evidence supporting that?

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Agree. He was mistaken about that point

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Thank you very much for the excellent discussion about Dr. Howard's book, especially his comments about calling out those who push misinformation in medicine and science. I guess I also became a local "covidologist" in Florida and have been frustrated for years with the way our politicians took control of "public health" and spread misinformation with catastrophic results in our state. Unfortunately numerous attempts to get our leaders of our state medical organizations, and even academic centers, to speak out on misinformation, have have not succeeded. Several national leaders have acknowledged the situation, but as you know it needs to come from local medical and scientific leaders first.

Thank you very much for an excellent presentation.

John F. Rubin, M.D., F.A.C.P.

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I could listen to these ground truths between two well educated, clear eyed, rational experts all day 🤗

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Thank you Dr. Topol and Dr. Howard. Very grateful for your work, Dr. Howard.

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