Fascinating the information presented here! Thank you for sharing and certainly, you've provided quite a bit of food for thought. Looking forward to learning more about this topic of diet affecting the immune system after further studies are conducted.

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Thanks for another fascinating discussion, and a very interesting follow-on to your discussion with Chris van Tulleken. The science here appears to be much more complex than I would have thought from the earlier interview, but also with a lot of potential for upside gains.

It does seem, for those of us trying to determine how to eat better, even in the face of all the open questions, that staying away from ultra-processed foods as much as possible is a good thing to do. It’s less clear if this is as imperative for the category of processed foods, such as freshly-made cheeses and breads (at least from what I could glean in a search around). I’ll be interested in learning more about that in future interviews you may do. Meanwhile, a bit of Stilton with slices of apple will continue to be a guilty pleasure, and I promise myself to eat only one McVitie’s dark chocolate digestive biscuit on any given day . . . well, maybe sometimes two.

Happy post-Thanksgiving, and thanks so much for yet another excellent, edifying conversation.

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that's quite good for a guilty pleasure! thanks

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